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How Ohio’s Hospice of Dayton Helps Heart Patients
A new study finds that patients with heart failure who use hospice have fewer emergency room visits and experience fewer days in the hospital. The most recent American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association heart failure guidelines now recommends palliative/hospice care referral for end-stage heart failure.
Patients with heart disease can experience ups and downs over a long course of the disease. The following signs may indicate that hospice care could help.
• Increasing frequency of hospitalizations for worsening symptoms
• Increasing fatigue and shortness of breath with minimal activity or at rest, despite medication
• Surgery or use of device therapy is no longer an option or is not desired
• Increasing dependence on oxygen therapy or need for increased flow
By working with the patient’s cardiologist, hospice and palliative care specialists have the tools and resources to relieve symptoms, improve patient satisfaction, and decrease the cost of care for patients. Ohio’s Hospice of Dayton collaborates with cardiologists to use proactive interventions to monitor patient symptoms and quickly address issues as they develop and change.
Ohio’s Hospice of Dayton offers support to address a wide range of symptoms.
•Respiratory therapy to manage shortness of breath
•Medications and therapies to ease pain and hypertension
•Medical equipment and therapies to counteract weakness and fatigue
Our nurses use telecommunication and information technologies to keep track of weight, respiratory status, emotional status and tolerance for activities. Close monitoring of patient condition and immediate attention to changes in condition help to prevent emergency room visits and hospitalizations.
The hospice team, family caregiver and patient together create an action plan that includes:
• Self-care strategies for patient
• Symptom recognition
• Medication education
• Recognition of caregiver needs
Patient caregivers play a vital role with cardiac patients, providing physical and emotional comfort and support, searching out resources, scheduling appointments and helping to manage symptoms. Our hospice nurses work closely with caregivers so they gain an understanding of the illness and develop skills to respond to changes in patient condition. Caregiver preparedness increases confidence and is a major factor in easing caregiver stress. Ohio’s Hospice of Dayton care can also provide respite support so that caregivers can be relieved of what can sometimes seem like an overwhelming burden. This proactive approach assures a better quality of life for both the patient and the caregiver.
Information for caregivers or heart patients about Ohio’s Hospice of Dayton services is available by calling 937.256.4490 or 800.653.4490.