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Chaplain Tom Myers Earns Tulip Award
Outstanding members of the Ohio’s Hospice staff are recognized every quarter with the Bouquet of Recognition Awards. Chaplain Tom Myers is one of our newest recipients of the Tulip Award.
Tom Myers was presented with the Tulip Award. His nomination noted that Tom deserves this award for many reasons, but cites one in particular. “Recently, we had a patient who expressed spiritual concern to her Care Manager. She confessed feeling she was not worthy of God’s love. Tom visited with her several times but the patient remained spiritually distraught. Over time it was discovered that the patient had been baptized, but never “fully immersed”, which was extremely important to her. The Care Manager collaborated with Chaplain Tom who offered to re-baptize the patient. Because the facility where the patient resided was unable to accommodate a full-immersion experience, it was decided that they would use the local YMCA to provide a full immersion baptism for this patient. Everything was arranged and Tom was able to baptize this patient with full immersion. He not only baptized her, but brought himself an extra set of clothes and got into the pool with her in order to provide the baptism that she desired. Following her full immersion baptism, the patient was truly elated with a huge smile. Thereafter she declined quickly but remained mentally and spiritually at ease. Her family was very grateful to Tom for the extraordinary gift he gave her.”
Thank you, Tom, not only for the gift that you gave this patient and her family, but everything that you do each day!
Congratulations Chaplain Tom Myers
On your Tulip Award at Ohio’s Hospice
Of Dayton. I am proud to have been a fellow resident chaplain with you Kettering Medical Center from
1994-95 under CPE Supervisor,
Henry Uy. God Bless You and your
family. I retired from full time chaplai
ncy in 2012 after 7 years at Hospice of
Cincinnati, 6 years at Hospice
Of Dayton and a year contract
Chaplain at Warren Correctional